Qualified Voters by Precinct

To run:  REPORTING > Reports > Voter Reports > Precinct Registration Reports > Qualified Voters by Precinct

or REPORTING > Reports > Precinct Reports > Qualified Voters by Precinct

or STREETS & PRECINCTS > Street & Precinct Reports > Qualified Voters by Precinct

This report shows the number of Active voters by precinct, subdivided by major party affiliation, race, and gender.

You have the option of generating the report against the data compiled by the most recent Month End Transfer run. To do this, run the month end version of the report: Voter Reports > Prior Month End Reports > Qualified Voters by Precinct (Month End).

Tip: Know your voter totals prior to redistricting! Run this report along with the Totals of Voters by Cities report, and then save the reports as PDF files to record the voter totals prior to redistricting so the numbers can be compared after redistricting to check for accuracy.